Data empiris menunjukkan kewirausahaan berimplikasi positif terhadap pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Kewirausahaan memiliki peranan penting untuk menjadikan masyarakat lebih kreatif dan…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi konselor pada Pusat Pelayanan dan Perlindungan Keluarga Cilegon (P3KC) dalam memberikan pelayanan penanganan…
Kinerja pegawai di STIKES Muhammadiyah semakin menurun, dengan masalah tersebut peneliti ingin 1) mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan oleh STIKes…
To the unconfined aquifero Montes Torozos (Spain). The high vulnerability characteristics and the most dangerous elements were taken under consideration…
This paper continues other scientific research (tefanic and Oprea G., 2010, 2011) aimed to rectify the Waksman and Karunacker method…
Plants as sessile organisms are constantly exposed to different stressors incidence: biotic and / or abiotic factors. Consequently, the viability…
Soil management is a very important action for agriculture in general, and also for producing biofuel feedstock. However, part of…
A triterpene, Intiricatetraol (1) was isolated from the marine red alga Chondria armata collected at Orpheus Island. The structures of…
A new prenylated flavone, artoindonesianin A-3, were isolated from the bark of Artocarpus elasticus, an endemic plant from Alor Island…